Category Archives: WordPress

10 Things I Hate About WordPress (And Solution)

I love WordPress, but I don’t love everything about it.I think it’s the best way to build a website for most people, but like any piece of software, it’s not perfect. There are a few things that really chap my hide, and I’d like to air my grievances here.

To be clear, this post is not about complaining, it’s about providing solutions to some common problems. One cool thing about WordPress is that if you don’t like something, you can always contribute your idea for a fix because it’s open source.

Some of these fixes are specific to the way I like to use WordPress, so they might not be a good idea for the core software. So without further adieu [french accent], here we go!

1. I hate: <p> tags around everything

WordPress has something called “wpautop”, which automatically puts paragraph tags around everything in the page/post editor. 90% of the time this is great, but sometimes it’s just annoying.

For example, it puts paragraph tags around image and script tags. This has strange effects on page layouts, and breaks scripts.

Solution: use the Raw HTML plugin

Sure, you can zap wpautop altogether by adding this code to your functions.php:

1. remove_filter( ‘the_content’, ‘wpautop’ );

But I prefer to use the Raw HTML plugin because it allows you to turn off wpautop (along with other filters) on a page/post basis. Get this plugin on the repo here:


2. I hate: Switching between the HTML and Visual editor modes

So you coded your own beautiful page layouts on your latest project, with perfectly formatted, semantic HTML. You turn the site over to a happy client, and collect your paycheck. Life is good!

A few days later the client needs to edit one of their pages, so they go to the page edit screen, click over to visual mode, and change a couple of things around. They press update, and kaboom! Your beautiful page is destroyed!

The TinyMCE editor automatically filters your code when switching between ‘Visual’ and ‘Text’ mode, stripping tags and generally causing ruckus.

Solution: Hack it, or use a plugin

The simplest solution is to only use tags that the TinyMCE editor will not strip out. However, valid tags like <iframe> are not always avoidable.You can hack around and try to do this yourself, or use a plugin like Raw HTML Pro.

A combination of all 3 of these techniques might be the best idea.

To be continued….

7 Little Things Known WordPress Features

Whether you’re new to WordPress, or an old pro, there’s some hidden gems in WordPress that you might not be aware of.

1. Easily Embed a Tweet


Did you know you can embed a tweet just by pasting the url into your page editor?To get the status url of a single tweet, go to and find the tweet you want to embed. Click on the tweet to expand it, then click the “details” link. Copy the url in your browser, then paste it into your page/post editor.

2. Easily Embed a YouTube Video

Similar to the tweet embed, WordPress lets you paste in a simple YouTube url without fussing over embed codes.Simply go to the video you want to use on, and copy the url in your browser.

In this case, the url is:

Here’s what it looks like:

3. Reorder Posts by Date

WordPress automatically orders your posts by date, newest on top. What if you want to switch the order around a little bit?

Without using a plugin, here’s a quick and simple way to reorder your posts. Just change the date!

Click on Posts in your admin area, then go to the post you want to move. Click on “Quick Edit” under the post title.

today i’m tired …. stay tune  i’ll be back soon with other 4 amazing features guys …. thanks for visiting my site! 🙂